ERC industries

Portfolio Companies


Portfolio Companies Can Still Receive Cash Relief from Employee Retention Credit

How to qualify

  • fully or partially suspended business operations for any 2020 or 2021 calendar as a result of governmental orders limiting commerce, travel, or group meetings due to COVID-19, or
  • (2) a significant decline in gross receipts during a calendar quarter in 2020 or 2021.

The Employee Retention Credit program (ERC) is intended to award those employers who retained employees during the pandemic with a significant refundable tax credit. Remarkably, ERC credits often exceed the initial payroll tax liabilities themselves. The ERC has already awarded millions of dollars to a broad spectrum of employers, including Portfolio Companies. Unfortunately, even after subsequent legislation further extended and expanded the ERC—emphasizing the Congressional intent to reward such employers—many Portfolio Companies still do not realize the real cash relief that’s available. Frost Law is working with private equity funds to help their Portfolio Companies receive this well-deserved cash benefit.

The ERC remains available now—even for eligible Portfolio Companies. Numerous government orders restricted a broad range of ordinary business operations in the industry—and you may be one of many employers entitled to substantial cash benefits. The time to be analyzing ERC eligibility for Portfolio Companies is now—and we can help you maximize the benefits that may be available to you.

Have more questions?

How can I appeal the disallowance of my ERC refund claim?
How can I expedite my ERC refund?
What is Letter 6612?